I have moved

You can mostly find me here these days instead. I'll do cross-posting for a while longer though.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

{blogtoberfest 2010 day 5}

Back at work today. Fall is starting to set in for real.

It was dark when I got out of bed but a lovely red sunrise could be seen above the neighbour's roof.

We have solar powered lights in the garden. They look so nice in summer nights but now the days are too short and overcast to charge them enough to last more than an hour or two in the evening.

Today is windy and a little chilly and the sky is thick with clouds.

Not the grey kind that threatens rain but the light dirty-white kind that will be around for a while making sure you don't get as nice a sunset as you did sunrise.

The fall equinox is no more than 2 weeks away and already I can tell the days are getting shorter.

Soon our days will be remarkably longer than in the north of Sweden.

I get an urge to make apple pies and stews and hearty soups. I think we need to find ourselves a pumpkin soon to bake and turn into soup.
The girls will love the roasted seeds.

When it isn't raining I think Fall is my favourite season. And we get to experience all four of them.

I've taken to lighting candles at dinner. The tea light holders have been in storage all summer but now they come out into circulation again.

Three tea lights on the television set. Two on the side board. Two in the dining area window. Two on the kitchen table. Two in the window above the kitchen sink and one in the other kitchen window. And five candles in the chandelier above the kitchen table.
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