I have moved

You can mostly find me here these days instead. I'll do cross-posting for a while longer though.

Monday, November 29, 2010


The curtain's fixed and hung and looks great.

No way I'm making up the second one. That will turn into a table runner instead.

I got groceries - sort of. I forgot half of it, but I did remember lamps for the Advent lights in the windows! I just have to get my butt up in the attic to find the missing star for one of them.

Bath time went smoothly, mostly cause it was just one of them and she took a shower. We swung by the library on our way home and checked out The Narnia Chronicles and while we were there I found Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets as an audio book and thought Isabel would like that.
She did. As soon as we came home she disappeared into her room and only came down to have supper.

Things to remember tomorrow would be to give Sofia her meds as soon as possible after dinner and not wait until she's in bed.
We read for so long from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe that she fell asleep on the sofa.
Isabel liked it though. I think she's keeping up hope that the Witch is going to be a nice person, but she will be sorely disappointed I guess.
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