Sofia had Picture Day at daycare today and I had very good intentions to make her a new dress for the occasion.
Only I forgot about it.
And then I remembered. Yesterday.
I've made her an Oliver + S
Jump Rope dress before and she has loved it to bits - almost literally. The placket has paint on it that won't go away and there is a tear in the bodice that I had to patch up a while ago.
It's also getting a bit small so a new one has been on my to-do-list for a bit.
I've never made the View B of that dress before but I have always liked how it reminded me of one of Sofia's favourite cartoon characters, Lola from Charlie and Lola.
She is often drawn in a tunic like dress with a collar and placket and when I proposed that model to Sofia she was all for it.
I found a nice soft cotton in purple with white stars on it and Sofia requested it right away.
After dinner yesterday, which was a quick thing since I bought Subways while Sofia was dancing and brought them home with me, I put the girls to bed and started on her new dress.
The broadcloth I had intended for the collar and placket hadn't been prewashed so I gave it a good steam with extra water and dried it with my iron. I'm not sure how that will work, I suppose we'll see when I wash it.
I messed up the first collar I cut out and I had to cut a second one, and the pockets could have been neater, but in all I think it turned out nicely.
I had purple cloud shaped buttons that I wanted to use but I could only find two so I had to change my mind.
Sofia happily put it on this morning and I was relieved to see that it fit her. I had dreamt in the wee hours that it was too small and felt a bit nervous.
I started pinning the pattern at 8 pm and I sewed the last button on at 10:45 pm-ish. I have made the dress before which explains why it didn't take longer. The placket is a bit fiddly but I've made it three times for Isabel before so I had it pretty much memorised. And since I picked view B I didn't have to gather any skirts which also made it come together quickly.
Fingers crossed it holds up well in the wash now.