I have moved

You can mostly find me here these days instead. I'll do cross-posting for a while longer though.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Attic – or is it third (second) floor?


Rickard did the last sanding this weekend in the attic. We put up this old bedspread to keep the dust out as much as possible and I guess it’s worked. We still have dust everywhere but I’ll bet we’d have more if this hadn’t been up.

There is still a little bit of sanding to do – it seems we find a new place we forgot to plaster every time we go up there. But what is left now will be sanded by hand.


The girls’ rooms are pretty much done. We vacuumed the walls and floors and ceiling this weekend in preparation for the strengthening (and smoothing) layer of felt we’re putting up before we paint.

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Since neither of us has done this by ourselves before we started in the closet and got three lengths put up. It took quite a lot of time and I dearly hope we’ll get better at it or it will take forever. But the result was acceptable. The back wall is done.

Once the felt is put in we’ll paint it with a base coat and then again with our selected paint – speaking of which, we’re still agonising over that part. I have paint chips everywhere and some more coming in the mail.

The girls have picked their colours for the focus walls in their rooms. We just need to decide what shade of white to pick – or if we should just do white-white.

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