I have moved

You can mostly find me here these days instead. I'll do cross-posting for a while longer though.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Lazy Friday

Sadly no background fabric from the States this week. My guess is that they have been held up in customs and they'll be here on Monday.

I went back to work this week and it's been mad. I sent off the manuals I've been working on to be translated into three different languages just before my vacation and I have been trying to make sense of it all ever since Monday.

On our doorstep: iPad, on our couch: 

It was nice to leave work at lunch today. I usually work until 1 pm on Fridays but today our server had to be restarted at noon and that would take upwards of 30 minutes to get done so I finished up what I could do off the servers and left early.

After our lunch/afternoon snack the girls sat down for some gaming. Isabel picked the Wii as usual. But I really adore Sofia's gaming locale. She took my iPad and played some Smallworld on it, snuggled down on a blanket on our door step.

More dresden plates in the works

I cut up a few charm squares for a new Dresden plate project I have planned. I didn't count how many blades I ended up with but later tonight as I prepared some appliqué for Isabel I found some left over layer cake squares from the same line so however many I had I will have a few more by tomorrow.

Saturday coming up and we have a sleep-over planned at our place. Sofia is having a friend over. Exciting doesn't even begin to describe it!
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