I have moved

You can mostly find me here these days instead. I'll do cross-posting for a while longer though.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

House of Pestilence

I've been meaning to start quilting the runner both tonight and last night, but gotten caught up in old episodes of Fringe.
My husband watched it from the beginning, but I've only seen bits and pieces of the first and second season.

Our big girl has developed chicken pox too and she is in a really bad state. My heart bleeds for her. She had a big pox on her forehead that had gotten infected and she cried when we washed it out for her.
I had wanted to comb out her hair but I think several poxes hide in her scalp and I don't want to chance it.

I hope she'll start feeling better tomorrow. No new poxes have shown up today so - fingers crossed.


We usually celebrate Epiphany with family but this year that will have to be postponed. My dad's worried about contracting chicken pox because he's not sure he's had it.

Instead I'll go shopping tomorrow after work and we'll have a nice meal together on Thursday afternoon.

I should also try to get to a pharmacy to find some antihistamines for Isabel. I think she could use some.
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